Friday, August 29, 2014

About Las Palmeras Entrance Closures on Friday

I imagine you happened sometime to be walking happily to university and found yourself unable to go through the entrance in Las Palmeras on Fridays. This phenomenon is known as "I can't let you through, you have to enter by Las Encinas" or more subtly Las Palmeras Entrance Fridays Closure. Perhaps you have also experienced the "Oh, forgot it's closed today" continued to a sudden burst of anger. This other phenomenon is closely attached to the first one and might actually be as disappointing as the first. Probably you have wondered "WHY, GOD, WHY DOES THIS HAPPEN TO ME!" (Well, I did). So I encouraged myself to investigate and this is what I found.

To know the answer to this question I had to visit the JGM Campus Administrator: María Loreto Urrutia. She works at the Decanato in the Philosophy building (fourth floor, but I highly recommend not to go if you want to avoid what I assure you would be a quite unpleasant time). I asked her for the reason of the closure and she rushed upon her computer, opened some files and showed me pictures taken to the damage done to B building (most of them tags). What happens next takes a long time to describe but long story short, when I asked her the relation between the closure of the entrance and the infrastructure damage, she went on and on giving arguments about not letting UTEM student in the campus, the parties and the drinking on Fridays, not having the resources to deal with the problem any other way, and so on.

As I tried to uncover the deep and obscure connection between one fact and the other in my conversation with her, she begins to flip out. Apparently her arguments were really problems that she'd had to bear for long, rather than arguments to defend her way of dealing the problem about the B building. No UTEM or UCHILE student could be found involved with it, nor the parties and drinking. I suspect that the annoying closure on Frindays is really a way to show she is fulfilling her duties as the person in charge. That's what I could find out about it.


  1. the exact same thing happen to me last Friday!!

  2. I have enjoyed this post. I wish I had been there and witenessed the conversation between you two.

  3. Well, thank you for sharing your impressions on that unpleasant time!
    This certainly raises more questions about the administration of this campus...
    (I feel kind of intimidated just by reading this!)
